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#202 : Le Voyage en Afrique

Dans l'optique de prouver aux autres qu'elle a changé, Samantha décide de faire croire à tous qu'elle part soudainement en Afrique, pour pouvoir aider ceux qui sont dans le besoin.


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Out of Africa

Titre VF
Le Voyage en Afrique

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Clip 202


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Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.10.2008 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Les filles trinquent à l’anniversaire de l’accident de Sam : elle veut fêter sa nouvelle vie. Lorsqu’Andrea lui demande en quoi sa vie est meilleure, Sam s’interroge : elle n’a plus de travail, est célibataire. Quant à Dena, elle décide de tester la vie commune avec Chase pendant une semaine.

Une fois sortie de boite de nuit, Sam prend une décision : elle veut faire quelque chose d’utile. Lorsque Dena suggère par hasard de partir en Afrique pour de l’humanitaire, Sam se sent interpelée. A son réveil le lendemain matin, outre la gueule de bois, elle retrouve Todd à ses côtés... Elle s’en veut d’avoir passé la nuit avec lui, à cause de l’alcool qui plus est. A cet instant, Sam craint de ne pas avoir vraiment changé et de redevenir l’ancienne Sam. Elle prend donc la décision de partir en Afrique, pour faire quelque chose de bien mais aussi pour réfléchir sur sa vie.

Sam annonce ses projets à ses parents, indignés. Mais elle semble particulièrement impliquée. D’ailleurs, rapidement, elle prend rendez-vous dans un centre médical pour les vaccins de rigueur mais elle prend peur face à toutes les mises en garde du médecin.

Dena rentre chez elle à l’improviste : la vie commune avec Chase ne se passe pas comme prévu. Elle a la surprise de retrouver Sam cachée dans son placard : elle est censée être partie en Afrique. Elle explique à Dena qu’elle a pris peur. Quant à sa mère, elle est triste de savoir sa fille si loin. Seule Dena est donc au courant de la situation.

Au cours de la soirée, Andrea sonne chez Dena : elle est a appris pour sa dispute avec Chase, et cela a eu des répercussions sur l’ambiance à son travail. Elle découvre par la même occasion que Sam n’est pas partie. Au même moment, alors que les trois femmes discutent sur le perron, la mère de Sam passe. Dena et Andrea cache leur amie pour que sa mère ne se rende compte de rien.

Les deux amies décident d’emmener Sam en vacances deux semaines à Miami pour lui remonter le moral : elle a eu une année difficile. Qui plus est, elle n’aura pas à se cacher.

La situation échappe cependant aux trois femmes, car à l’endroit en Afrique où elles sont sensées se trouver, une rébellion a éclaté, et tous les journaux télévisés en parlent. Sam culpabilise, elle ne sait plus quoi faire. La pression est telle que Sam se dispute avec Andrea, qui lui explique qu’elle vit mal le changement de personnalité de Sam, et qui ne trouve plus sa place dans sa nouvelle vie.

Regina continue à s’inquiéter pour sa fille lorsqu’elle franchit la porte de sa maison, vêtue du style africain. Elle explique la façon imaginaire dont elle s’en est sortie grâce à Andrea. Regina en profite pour demander à Sam d’appeler Todd car elle l’a prévenu de la situation. Sam rentre donc à son appartement pour le retrouver, mais Franck, le portier, lui annonce qu’il est parti, certainement en Afrique pour la retrouver. Sam panique et cherche des informations sur son parcours. A cet instant, Todd franchit la porte : Sam lui saute au cou, mais il y a méprise. Il ne partait pas en Afrique pour la sauver mais en reportage. Il savait pertinemment qu’elle ne partirait pas, il la connait trop bien. Ceci déçoit énormément Sam : elle se rend compte qu’il n’a pas une grande estime d’elle-même. Elle prend donc la décision de le mettre dehors : il a une semaine pour quitter l’appartement, ils ne se remettront pas ensemble.

Plus tard dans la soirée, elle retourne chez ses parents pour leur avouer la vérité. Elle explique également qu’elle est un peu confuse en ce moment et qu’elle cherche à savoir qui elle est. En guise de compréhension, Regina lui demande de jouer encore le jeu du voyage africain le lendemain lors d’une interview avec un journaliste. Quant à son père, il avoue être soulagé que sa confession ne concerne pas une envie de revenir vivre chez eux…

En cours de rédaction

I didn't remember ever seeing a rocket launch, so I tuned in the other night,but it was dayed. There it was,all this power and potential, just waiting for a sign,an instruction, and i shouted,"I understand,rocket. I understand." woke my neighbor up.

In a bar

Sam : to me.

Andrea et Dina : to sam! to sam!

Sam : one year ago today, i was hit by that car that knocked me out of that old life and into my new life,so this is to the car, to old friends, who are actually new friends, which is kind of neat.

Andrea :  hear,hear! - i know. So awful.

Sam :  what was?

Andrea : the day it happened,remember?

Sam : oh,the day i got amnesia? not well,no.

Regina : ugh,when they called me and told me that you were in a coma, sam,i cried and i cried,and i prayed to god, "god,please make me stop crying. My eyes are gonna get so puffy." 

Sam : more,please.

Andrea :  i had to go to court the next day.

Sam : the point is,is that i am alive and that my life is so much better than it was before.

Andrea and Dina :  hear,hear! 

Andrea : yeah,how so?

Sam : what do you mean,how so?

Andrea : well,last year you had a job and you were living with your boyfriend, and this year you don't have a job and you're living with your ex-boyfriend.

Sam : more,please.

Dina : you know,speaking of,uh,boyfriends i'm gonna be spending a week at chase's. We're kind of entering a new phase of our relationship.

Andrea : one week,huh? a little trial run,huh? a little test drive to see how you hform?

Dina : more, please. A whole new start is so exciting. it's like this year was school, and now you're...

Sam : graduating. graduating. yeah,that's it. that's it. i want-you know what? i want one of those square hats.

Dina : Sam,what are you gonna do,huh? what? what are you gonna do with the rest of your life - all the way until y u die? - u did we leave the bottle inside? oh,come on.come on. come on.

Sam : i don't-no.

Dina :  you can be an acrobat,advertising.

Sam : no,i don't like commercials. you know what i wanna do? i wanna do something that's actually gonna help people. you know? -

Dina : acupuncture! african relief.

Andrea : oh,my god. um are we gonna go through the whole alphabet?

Dena : well,no. if she wants to be an acrobat,then we're done.

Sam : no,wait. hold on one second. what'd you say,my friend,about the africa?

Andrea : no,you do not want that.

Sam : want what? 

Andrea : the africa. it's dry there. it's bad for the skin. you want to come back to chapman and the funk! really,we have fun there. stop trying to change everything.

Sam : what are you talking about? i- i'm-i'm not trying to change. i am changed,okay? i'm not gonna go backwards,you know?

Andrea : miss tipsy. a little backwards,a little backwards. you need a cab.

Sam : i'm walking. stop it. shut up. i'm standing up straight.

Dina : no,no.

Sam :  i'm fine. what-what could happen?

Andrea : she needs a cab.


The next day.

Todd : good mornin'.

Sam : whoops. Stupid! stupid!

Todd : what's wrong? where're you going?

Sam : i don't know. Anywhere,my parents' house, maybe Dena's. She's at chapman's all week. I mean..

Todd : come on,stay. It's like old times.

Sam : no,it's not supposed to be like old times,okay? I'm supposed to be new and improved and you know what? you're not helping very much,mister.

Todd : well,you weren't complaining last night.

Sam : you took advantage of a drunk woman with a massive head injury. Nice work.

Todd : look,i tried to wait till you sobered up, but then you got naked,and i lost my train of thought.

Sam : maybe andrea's right. You know,maybe i haven't changed. You know,maybe my-my true self-just freed up by alcohol- is my old self sabotaging any effort i have to change.

Todd : look,and maybe everything in your life doesn't need to change. This feels right. You know,don't you deserve one thing that isn't such hard work? so what do we do, give it a try or do i still move out? i- i just want to know what you want.

Sam : i know. And i will tell you when i get back.

Todd : back from where?


Sam's parents'

Regina : Africa?

Sam : Africa,yes.

Regina : you're not going to Africa. Now eat your eggs.

Sam : no,no,i am not eing my eggs until africa eats its eggs. And you know what? You guys can help,too, because I found this web site,where for $10, you can send over a mosquito net, and help a child from getting malaria.

Howard : it seems a little high for a net.

Regina : do you need $10? is that it? just take it out of my purse.

Sam : no,i need to go to Africa.

Howard : no,i can get you a net down at spurlock's for 3 bucks.

Sam : guys,there is a whole world out there that needs your help. Oh,you know,you don't know. You grew up in the '60s,you know. You don't know what it's like to want to change the world.

Regina : if you want to help,i will take you out. i'll buy you a rubber bracelet and-and a red t-shirt. and then we can spend the rest of the day shopping.

Sam : no. no. I am not gonna take t the easyth out.

Regina : why not? you usually do.

Sam : no, Idon't. How can you say that?


Andrea : oh,my god! how horrible! now we have to walk all the way around the block in these heels.

Sam : yeah,i don't think so. officer? officer,my husband- he's in that building. that's where he works. I need to see him. it's my husband. oh! thank you. thank you. thank you. and her,too. thank you.

End of the flashback

Sam : ooh,firemen! well, I don't anymore. Look, Dena said that I can go and do and be anything that I want to now.

Regina : well,that's because she doesn't know you very well.

Sam : yeah,well,you know what? you don't know me very well. God. I tught that parents wanted their children to turn out better than them. And because i am so much better than you, you should be thrilled.



Nurse : Africa? good for you. You're a good lady.

Sam:  thank you. That is so nice to hear. I mean,that is really the first positive and encouraging thing- okay,what is that?

Nurse : shots. You got your yellow fever,hepatitis "a," hep "c," tetanus, polio,uh,something,uh,no idea, big needle,bigger needle and meningitis. You know,we can hardly keep up. There's something new every day- you know,things that you don't even want to see. Look at this. hmm? right there.

Sam : oh,my god.

Nurse : oh,wait a minute. That might not be one. Oh,yes,it is.

Sam : mm-hmm.

Nurse : and if you get one of those long-ass worms that hatch inside your leg, please do not pull it. all right? just let it eat its way out of your skin. and if you have to run from a lion,head for a tree, but be sure you check the tree for snakes first. and always check your shoes for scorpions. You will be shipping over your own blood,right?



Dena, to er dogs : it's okay. Uncle chase and i just had a little fight. it's not your faults if he doesn't want anyone drinking out of his lucky bowl, what's it doing in the cabinet,huh? Sam,you're supposed to be in Africa.

Sam : shh! i am.

Dena : ???

Sam : no,it wasn't just the needles, because when you get there,they have lions and-and-and snakes and scorpions. i mean,have you ever seen a scorpion? they're li spiders with knives. and it's hot,and there was all these connecting flights. it was like a whole thing.

Dena : let me ask you. You're not bothered that that's not your bowl,right? or who or what has eaten out of it? it's yours at the moment,right?


Sam's parents'

Howard : regina,what are you doing?

Regina : I set three places again. Isn't that silly? I still can't believe she's gone. I keep thinking I hear her padding down the stairs, splashing in the tub.

Howard : she's been gone a day.

Regina : it's so quiet here without her. There used to be such laughter in this house.

Howard : no,there didn't.

Regina : I need some air. The walls are closing in. I wonder if we're both looking at the same star tonight.



Sam : hyenas,yeah. They have things there that will kill you, and then they'll kill you after you're already dead.

Dena : so tell your parents all that. They'll understand.

Sam : yeah,they'll understand. They'll understand that they were right, that i'm not better than them, and that's exactly what i do not want them to understand.

Dena : stay here. Watch the dogs.

Sam : okay.

Dena :  hi.

Andrea : hey.

Dena : did you want to come in? because you can't. Spraying for,uh,silverfish.

Andrea : I n't want to wa in. I didn't even want to come here. but I guess you had some sort of fight with chapman, which i learned about in our 8-hour meeting about your fight with chapman. so whatever it is you do that makes him happy

Dena : oh,well,i...

Andrea : uh,don't tell me about it. just go and do it.

Sam : mr. Cellophane,no!

Dena :  oh,my dogs.

Andrea : Sam !

Sam : Andrea. oh. hi. what? hi. yeah. huh? oh. um,i,uh,uh okay,you know what? they had needles and-and snakes and-and bugs with backpacks.

Andrea : Sam,i don't care. The fact that you decided not to help people- that's all that matters. Come here.

Regina : Samantha?

Sam : hide me.

Dena : oh! hi,mrs. Newly. Nice evening.

Regina : i- i-i thought i saw samantha.

Dena : no. no,just me doing my Sam impersonation. "hey! look at me! i'm Sam! aah! i don't remember anything." it's-it's better with the curls.

Regina : well,i don't know about that hairdo of hers

Sam : I'm about to build houses for poor childre cand that's all she cares about?

Andrea : what are you doing?

Sam : what does it look like i'm doing? i'm gonna stay with dena for two weeks and then i'm gonna get myself a nice, big,old lion bite and come back a hero.

Dena : two weeks?

Andrea : why? 

Sam : because that's what i do, Andrea. You know that. I just take the easy way out.

Andrea : no. I will not let you beat yourself up like this. Now I'm sorry about africa, but who has had a harder year than Africa? 

Dena : China?

Andrea : no. you. you. Did Africa get hit by a car? Did Africa break up with its boyfriend who still won't move out of its apartment?

Sam : it's been a really hard year.

Andrea : hard? Africa should be helping you. You have two weeks,no one knows where you are. You need to go somewhere good for you.

Sam : okay. okay. but i'm not - i'm not getting any shots.

Andrea : oh,you might.


Hotel in Africa

three shots over here.



i so needed this.

you probably saved more lives by not going.




you know,maybe- maybe i should get a t-shirt so i that get one of those building-latrines-in-the- sun- all-day tan lines for when i get back.

what do you think? yeah? - hey.

- hey.

- body shot? - no no! no phones! 're infrica! well,we've been gone a whole day.

i just want to see if chase misses me.

you think this is what africa sounds like? he won't be able to hear you over the blenders.

then just let me check his old text messages.

if you make me spill this drink,you're dead! - oh,brent.

- brent.

what are you,uh,what are you doing in miami? - i just gradust.

- me,too.

- really? all right.

- uh-huh.


yeah,so your parents riding you all the time,like, "get off the couch.

get a job.

" that is exactly what they are doing.

yeah,but you just need some space,right? yeah,just to find out who i am.

yeah,just to cut loose,stop thinking,have some sex.

not worry so much every single second about the future.

- right,and just have some sex.

- not happening,brent.

nice to meet you.

sam,um,u i just chejued my messagesme and the last message from chase- he said,um,"are you okay? i love you very much.

i miss you.

i hope you're not dead.

" - dead? - that's not our usual sign-off.

it's usually,"i hope you still like me.

" why would you be dead? all we know at the moment is that sudanese rebels have sealed off the entire city with no communicationic or travel i sam,isn't that where we're supposed to be? i did it again.

i made it worse.

from salamani and the republic of chad, this is kenneth esther alaric reporting.

that's the name of the town.

that's where sam is.

well,i'm sure she's fine.

she's not fine,howard.

she's dead.

she is not dead.

willou stop that? they're not reporting any casualties.

i'm taking this very well,i think.

well,i'll be sure to thank the pharmaceutical industry.

also because she appeared to me in a vision on my walk that night to tell me she's at peace and that i've been an excellent mother.

god,i should have just told them the truth, and now the truth is worse than any lie i could have even make up.

i just want to call home and tell him that i'm okay.

you saw on tv.

there's no phone service.

they'll know we're fine when we get home.

we can't go home,andrea.

there's no way in or out.

we are stuck in africa.

well,maybe the hotel will give us free drinks, like they do when you're stuck on the tarmac.

you are not helping.

well,i want to stay.

we're having fun.

that's all you wanted,isn't it? you didn't want to help me.

you just wanted a vacation.

i wanted a vacation with you, you know,the way it used to be,you and me.

this whole year,i just-i'm watching us just go like this and i have been trying to get you back to normal.

you were my africa.

you know,i'm so sorry that i turned out to be a better person than i was.

so am i,because where does that leave me? i mean,where do i fit in? i mean,what purpose do i have in your life? right now i need you to get us out of here.

right now i need you to dig down deep inside of that devious brain of yours and help come up with a plan.

i guess i can sleep with a guard.

- thank you.

- two,if i had to.


um,and then i will, uh,i'll commandeer a humvee.


you can't drive stick.

see,this is why i need you, because you know these things.


howard,look at this.

a picture of a 12-foot snake they caught in africa, and that big bulge in the middle is what it just ate.

now they're saying it's a goat or a dog, but i think we both know who's in there.



i- i-it's in the congo,regina.

see,that's nowhere near where sam was.

oh,a mother knows her own child.


i'm back from africa.

- oh! oh! - sammy,oh,my god! - samantha! samantha! - my god.

sam,oh! oh,yeah,yeah.

are you okay? yeah,i'm fine.

i'm fine.

i'm just like gonna turn in 'cause zulu time's got me all wonky,so wait.

let us at least look at you.

yeah,what happened over there? oh,you know,i have suppressed so much of it.

- but-but how did you get out? - one of us slept with a guard.

- andrea went with you? - mm-hmm.

and we swam.

yeah,across a river.

river? well,there's no rivers in that part.

- excuse me.

where you there? - will you stop interrogating her? all that matters is that she's home.

- can i ask her if she saw a monkey? - no.

i knew you were safe.

i had a vision on my walk, and you told me not to worry and that i was a good mother.

i'm proud of you,kiddou di know you had it in you.

yesh,well���� oh,and don't forget to call todd.

we phoned him when we saw the news.

i'm sure he's as worried as we were.



i've been trying to call todd, but his voice mail's full.

- is he up there? - he is not.

he raced out of here this morning in a state of agitation, said he had some shots to get before it was too late.

what? shots? oh,no.


frank,todd went to africa to save me.

- but you're not in afri - - yeah,you see the needles.

then you can judge.

come on! hurry, just gotta try to find some kind of itinerary or-or some clue of where he might have gone.


look through these.

oh,god,i will not forgive myself if something happens to him and if he gets hurt.

yes,the odds of getting hurt in africa do go up if you actually go.

all right,i chickened out.

all right? africa is a very scary place.

oh,todd you're the only person on the planet who would go halfway around the world to save me, and i was too self-involved to see it.

sam? - sam? - yeah? oh! to?! oh,thank god! i didn't go to africa.

i lied.

i am so sorry,but it meant so much to me that you were gonna go there to rescue me, and i'm just so glad that i stopped you before you went.


i wasn't going to africa.

- huh? - and that a good-bye for frank.

no,but you-you- you hurried out 'cause you-you had to get shots before it was too te.

shots of a playground with my camera.

i'm doing an ad for a shoe company.

you weren't going to africa to save me? no.

how could you not go to africa to save me? - because you're not there.

- yeah,but as far as you know,i am.

i mean,i'm-i'm there right now, and where are you,you know? you're not there.

neither are you.

but i was going to go.

but you didn't go.

yeah,but how would you know that? - becausi know you.

- no.

no,yo not know me.

- you didn't go,did you? - yeah,but i was going to go.

but you didn't,and i don't care.

isn't that what you want-a guy who sees you for who you are? no.

no,i know who i am.

i need someone who thinks that i am better than i know that i am.

i- i'm sorry? oh,damn it.

you know fine.


i'm just gonna be a better person,all right? will that get everyone off my ass? no more taking the easy way out.

i am going to do things the hard way.

- you're going to africa? - no,i am kicking you out.

what? and that is very hard for me to do but change begins at home.

but don't hurry or anything.

you can stay here for a week or so.

so do you not wanna date? todd,no.

don't you see what this is about? i never see what this is about.

okay,so my dentist has this fun facts poster in his office, and did you know a rocket has to go 25,000 miles an hour to get into orbit? oh,and the american buffalo isn't really a buffalo at all.

it's a bison.

anyway,25,000 miles an hour- that's a lot of force keeping us right where we are.

so go ahead and tell your daughter to reach for the stars, just give her a break if she falls a little short.

what do you mean,you didn't go to africa? look,i'm sorry i lied to you.

you know,and you're right, i'm not the person that i want to be.

but you know what? i'm not the person that i was either.

and that girl that i used to be- she wouldn't have even thought about going to africa,you know? so i'm trying to change.

i'm like those rockets,those early rockets, who-who,you know,they tried and sometimes they failed, but they-they're- they had progress.

samantha,you did go to africa.

what? no.


and you want to know how i know? because tomorrow morning, the "action news" is coming here to interview the mother of the girl that went to africa.

??? now if you want dinner,go wash up.


are you mad? mad? i thought you were gonna tell us you were moving back in.

well-played,kid. Well-played.

Kikavu ?

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